We assure high quality, environmentally-friendly products to our customers. Quality and care for environment is embedded in our minds and in our processes and are proved by most recognized international standards.
Quality and environment are very important to us. Therefore we decided, as one of the first, to establish management system to control quality and our impact on environment throughout all production processes, according to international ISO standards.
We are certified by international ISO 9001 standards. With Quality Management System we can track materials quality all the way from the production entry point to the end, and therefore offer our clients better compliance with their requests.
We are certified by ISO 14001. Buying DONIT® sealing products means you are buying materials, produced with minimal impact on environment.
We ensure product quality and safety in accordance with a number of widely recognized international standards. Our products go through rigorous testing, in which their performance under conditions, demanded by international standards, is determined. You can be sure you are buying products, made of certified material and certified for usage in different applications:
Browse through products in Material selector by certificates to see which products are compliant to certificates, you are looking for.
ISO 9001
DONIT TESNIT d.o.o. established quality management system according to ISO 9001 standard already in 1996 and was certified as one of the first in industry.
DownloadISO 14001
Our clients can rely on high quality and environmentally friendly products, produced with minimal impact on environment. We have established Environmental Management System according to ISO 14001 standard.
DownloadEnvironmental Policy
Environmental safety pays off DONIT TESNIT d.o.o. has also put in place effective systems for communication with the environment it is operating in. The company follows strict internal policy and complies with external statutory rules and regulations to ensure the occupational health and safety of our employees.
DownloadQuality Policy
Understanding business environment, reacting to changes, following the needs of all interested parties, managing risks and opportunities, assessing performance and taking adequate measures when the goals are not reached are our company’s fundamental principles.
DownloadCompliance with REACH & OTHER REGULATIONS